Diabetes mellitus - home treatment, types, symptoms

blood sugar meter for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a serious endocrine disease with severe insulin deficiency. The disease is considered incurable, and treatment with folk remedies at home only weakens the symptoms.

There are many reasons for the appearance of the disease. Viral illness, genetic predisposition, medications, or a difficult pregnancy can cause an attack.

Types of diabetes

The disease, like bronchitis or cough, has noticeable symptoms and signs. Depending on them, there are 5 types of diabetes.

  • 1 type. The immune system attacks the pancreas, which does not release the appropriate amount of insulin, which is responsible for glucose metabolism. Traditionally, type 1 diabetes is a problem for young people. Among cases of diabetes, the first type accounts for a tenth.
  • type 2. Human organs and tissues lose insulin sensitivity. It is important to note that the pancreas produces this substance in normal amounts. The second type of disease affects 90% of diabetics.
  • Gestational diabetes. It occurs exclusively in women during gestation. This type of diabetes mellitus differs from other types in that it often disappears after the birth of a child. Only 5 percent of expectant mothers experience this.
  • secondary diabetes. A health condition in which various disorders lead to an increase in glucose levels. This type is considered to be the result of hormonal failure, medication, chronic pancreatitis or removal of the pancreas.
  • prediabetes. It appears when there are no health problems. For a long time, the patient's sugar is at the level of the maximum norm. The cause is heredity, improper lifestyle, malnutrition and obesity.

Diabetes of the first two types cannot be completely cured. However, with the help of diet, treatment and moderate exercise, people with this diagnosis live long and normal lives.

Symptoms of diabetes

blood sampling to measure sugar in diabetes

Symptoms of the disease often do not appear immediately. As a result, the disease lurks for a long time without revealing its presence.

In medicine, there are cases when the appearance of diabetes is a surprise for a person. The patient goes to the doctor for advice about a certain disease, and after passing the tests, he finds out about diabetes.

People often suffer from two types of diabetes, each of which has its own symptoms. Several common symptoms can be identified.

  1. Thirst. One of the main messengers of diabetes, regardless of type. However, other diseases also cause thirst, so doctors do not focus on this symptom when making a diagnosis.
  2. Frequent urination. The symptom is characteristic of both types of disease. Frequent urination signals a disorder in the urinary system.
  3. Fatigue. Drowsiness along with chronic fatigue are symptoms that accompany all types of diseases, including diabetes mellitus.
  4. Low temperature. Most often, in people who suffer from some disease, the body temperature is lowered - below 36 degrees.
  5. Rapid weight loss with increased appetite. People who constantly want to eat, and lose weight for no reason, are advised to be careful and undergo an examination.
  6. Low tissue regeneration. With diabetes, even small skin lesions heal for a long time. There are often sores and sores that cry.
  7. Visual impairment. Some diabetics complain that a white "veil" appears in front of their eyes and the picture becomes blurred. But eyesight can get worse with age.
  8. Circulatory disorders in the limbs. It is manifested by tingling and stiffness. Cramps often occur in the muscles of the lower leg.
  9. Deterioration of potency. Male diabetics often have erection problems. In women, the disease causes dryness of the genitals.

Remember, the severity of the symptoms depends on the characteristics of the body. In one person, these symptoms are pronounced, while in others they are absent. The stage of the disease also affects the severity of the symptoms. In severe disorders of insulin secretion, the symptoms are more pronounced.

Treatment of diabetes with folk remedies

Diabetes affects a person when the pancreas fails to cope with its duties and releases insulin in small quantities. This substance helps the body break down sugars. As a result, there is an excessive excretion of sugar in the urine. And although doctors are constantly analyzing the course of the disease, effective methods of treatment have not yet been created.

It is allowed to treat diabetes mellitus at home with folk remedies under the obligatory supervision of an endocrinologist. The main factor in therapy that affects the course of the disease is diet.

Carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. If this is not possible, their consumption is reduced. Instead of regular sugar, it is recommended to use xylitol, sorbitol or products that contain starch.

The list of folk remedies used in the treatment of diabetes includes natural fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries. Often the individual components are used together, which increases the healing effect.

  • clover infusion. Mix a piece of clover grass with the same amount of boiling water and wait three hours. Drink the drug before meals for 0, 33 cups. Add flowers to enhance the effect.
  • blueberry leaves. Pour a spoonful of dried leaves over a cup of boiling water, wrap and wait 30 minutes for the liquid to boil. After carefully straining the infusion, drink a cup three times a day.
  • walnut leaves. Grind two dozen green walnut leaves, put in a sherpa, pour a glass of liquid, boil and cook for 10 minutes. Take the medicine without any restrictions during the day.
  • plant collection. Mix twenty grams of blueberry leaves, birch buds, pansy and nettle, add five grams of St. John's wort with ten grams of dandelion root, mix and chop. Pour four tablespoons of the mixture with a cup of boiling water from the kettle, wait a while, strain and take 0. 33 cups three times a day.
  • burdock roots. Eat with boiled or fried cheese. Some people use burdock root instead of potatoes and add it to soups and meatballs.
  • Decoction of blueberries. Boil a spoonful of leaves together with the shoots over low heat, then cool slightly and strain. For treatment with this drug, take one tablespoon three times a day.

Since the disease is serious, start therapy immediately. The recipes I shared will help.

What you can eat with diabetes

brown and white sugar for diabetes

Continuing the topic of conversation, we will talk about what is allowed to eat in diabetes. According to doctors, diet plays a significant role in the treatment of the disease, because the process of utilizing glucose that enters the body with food is disturbed.

High levels of the substance in the blood contribute to the development of complications and have a pathological effect on the body. At the same time, with diabetes, proper nutrition has a therapeutic effect.

Therapeutic diet is aimed at normalizing carbohydrate metabolism. This reduces the load on the pancreas. It is recommended to eat food often and regularly, evenly distributing or limiting carbohydrate intake. The diet should include protein foods in addition to low-fat foods. The list of preferred methods of food processing includes steaming, stewing and baking.

I will introduce you to the foods that are recommended to eat for diabetes. It is allowed to consume many foods, you just need to monitor the calorie content and carbohydrate saturation.

List of allowed foods for diabetes

  1. Fish and meat. Only slender guys. Doctors advise to use veal, chicken, rabbit, cod, perch and pike for cooking. It is allowed to eat seafood and canned fish in small quantities.
  2. Milk products. Give preference to skim milk and kefir. Eggs are allowed. Eat two meals a day.
  3. Rye flour products with bran. You can eat pasta in small quantities. Fiber-rich pasta is best.
  4. Barley, buckwheat, oats and millet semolina. Make porridge or fragrant cereal soup. It is better to refuse rice and semolina, because they increase blood sugar.
  5. Vegetables rich in fiber. Broccoli, beans, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant and radishes. Do not abuse red beets and potatoes. Steam or bake the vegetables.
  6. Berries and fruits. Include sour varieties of apples, pears, currants and citrus in your diet. Eliminate watermelons, melons, raisins, bananas, grapes and figs from your diet.
  7. Dietary sweets. The composition should include sugar substitutes. The use of diet halva and honey is allowed.
  8. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds. This dried food is rich in fiber, vitamins, trace elements and useful acids. Nuts are allowed, but the daily amount of peanuts or walnuts should not exceed 50 grams.
  9. Drinks. Decoctions, teas, compotes, pickles and juices are considered extremely useful. Non-carbonated mineral water and alcohol are allowed, in which the sugar is not more than 5 percent. It is better not to drink coffee.

In addition, I will list a few foods and spices that reduce sugar. These are primrose, tomato, onion and zucchini, cucumbers, black currant and gooseberry, turmeric, ginger and cinnamon.

How to prevent the development of diabetes?

Every person with diabetes knows that only a lot of effort ensures a normal life. Otherwise, the disease dictates the rules. Prevention helps prevent the development of the disease and reduce the likelihood of complications.

The development of the first type of disease cannot be prevented. There are activities aimed at the second type.

Proper nutrition. This is the foundation of good health. Remember, being overweight along with obesity accelerates the onset of the disease, so be sure to eat properly.

Compliance with water balance. The human body is seventy percent water, which helps digest food and remove debris. In diabetes, fluid is involved in many processes.

Sports. People with diabetes are overweight. If you pay attention to sports, you can stop the development of diseases. Physical activity is an essential element of prevention.

Emotional mood and state of mind have an equally important role in life. Nerves contribute to the development of the disease, so for preventive purposes, participate in training, consult a doctor and fight depression.

It is forbidden to take medicines without a prescription, otherwise the situation will get worse.

In the article, we examined the types of diabetes mellitus, identified the symptoms of the disease, considered home treatment and understood what to eat with it and how to act in prevention. Use the acquired knowledge at your own discretion, but do not forget to consult a doctor. Good health!